Fall Sports

fall sports cheerleading
Cross Country team
Football team
Volleyball team

The adrenaline starts pumping with the start of the school year and fall sports. Go, Saints!

Head Coach
Molly Bailey

Assistant Coach
Whitnee Morgan

Cheerleading roster

Cheerleading Roster

Clay Target Shooting
Head Coach
Fred Paynter

Assistant Coaches
Jim Garrett
Ryan Morgan

Clay Target Roster

Clay Target Shooting Roster

Cross Country

Head Coach
Todd Sandel

Assistant Coach
Renata Armendariz
Brad Heppner

Cross country Varsity roster

Varsity Cross Country Roster

Middle School

Head Coach
Beverly Sandel

Cross Country Middle School Roster

Middle School Cross Country Roster

Junior Division

Head Coach
Jobeth Fisher

Cross Country JV Roster

Junior Division Cross Country Roster


Spring Football Registration

Complete our Club and League Registration form to register for spring football. All athletes must have an up-to-date physical on file with the school before participating. If you are a current JFCA student who participated in a sport for the 2023–2024 school year, you are covered. If you are a new student or did not participate in a sport for the 2023–2024 school year, you need to submit a physical to the director of athletics, Tyler Summey.

2024-2025 JFCA Football Information Sheet

Head Coach
Josh Burnette

Assistant Coaches
Josh Carlson
Chuch Carder
John Hewitt
Will Hornsby
Steven Scheffer
Lisa Shaw
Eoghan Williams
Carson Yoder

Football Varsity Roster page 1

Football Varsity Roster page 2

Varsity Football Roster

Mountain Biking
Head Coach
Richard Carr

Assistant Coaches
Tom Esposito
Russell Gilbert


Mountain Biking Roster


Head Coach
Erik Eklund

Assistant Coach
Kara Pridgen

Volleyball Varsity Roster

Varsity Volleyball Roster

Junior Varsity

Head Coach
Kara Pridgen

Volleyball Junior Varsity Roster

Junior Varsity Volleyball Roster

Middle School

Head Coach
Jacque Wilsher

Assistant Coach
Maddie Hart

Volleyball Middle School Roster

Middle School Volleyball Roster